A Song A Day
As a small contribution toward adding more beauty and enjoyment to our lives during the Coronavirus Pandemic I will add a new
bird song recording from my catalogue to this collection each day. The song for each day will have been recorded
on that month and day some time during the 39 years I have been recording bird sounds. I hope you enjoy these messages from nature, and that perhaps they stir a fond memory of time spent with the birds.
Follow the link to go to the sound for a chosen day.
Each sound is accompanied by a brief account of the recording trip. Most sounds
will be linked to a checklist on Ebird.
9/18/2023. I have long wanted to resume the filling of the calendar with a song for each day.
Herewith, a contribution to that goal. Follow the top link.
09/18 (1998): Willow Tit
08/22 (2010): Gray Catbird
08/21 (2020): Carolina Chickadee
08/20 (2005): Red Crossbill (Type 5)
08/19 (2020): Boat-tailed Grackle
08/18 (2020): Blue Jay
08/15 (2016): Western Wood Pewee
08/16 (2012): Eastern Kingbird
08/15 (2011): Great Horned Owl (adult hoot)
08/14 (2016): Western Meadowlark
08/13 (2011): Black-headed Grosbeak (beg)
08/12 (2003): Red Crossbill (Type 4)
08/11 (2004): Lesser Goldfinch (beg)
08/10 (2003): Wrentit
08/09 (2020): Carolina Wren
08/08 (2012): Common Yellowthroat (call)
08/02 (2019): Common Redpoll
08/06 (2011): Steller's Jay
08/05 (2019): Alder Flycatcher
08/04 (2018): Eurasian Nutcracker
08/03 (2019): Northern Waterthrush
08/02 (2018): Willow Warbler
08/01 (2013): Fish Crow
07/31 (2018): Gray-headed Chickadee
07/30 (2020): White-eyed Vireo
07/29 (2012): Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
07/28 (2018): Rough-legged Hawk
07/27 (2012): Ash-throated Flycatcher
07/26 (2018): Brambling
07/25 (2012): Willow Flycatcher (Southwestern)
07/24 (2012): Great Horned Owl (juvenile screech)
07/23 (2015): House Wren (Northern)
07/22 (2012): Common Nighthawk
07/21 (2012): Purple Finch
07/20 (2009): Wood Stork
07/19 (2016): Dark-eyed Junco
07/18 (2013): Eastern Whip-poor-will
07/17 (2011): Common Yellowthroat
07/16 (2012): Grasshopper Sparrow
07/15 (2014): Eastern Towhee
07/14 (2009): Swainson's Thrush (Olive-backed)
07/13 (2009): Canada Warbler
07/12 (1981): Mexican Whip-poor-will
07/11 (2003): Vesper Sparrow
07/10 (2009): Scarlet Tanager
07/09 (2007): LeConte's Sparrow
07/08 (1992): Fox Sparrow (Slate-colored)
07/07 (2004): Hermit Thrush
07/06 (2017): Western Tanager
07/05 (2017): Olive-sided Flycatcher
07/04 (2012): Brewer's Sparrow
07/03 (2012): Red-tailed Hawk
07/02 (2020): Painted Buntng
07/01 (2017): Gray Flycatcher
06/30 (2017): Tropical Kingbird
06/29 (2010): Hooded Warbler
06/28 (2006): Cassin's Sparrow
06/27 (1992): Marsh Wren (griseus)
06/26 (2011): Horned Lark (Streaked)
06/25 (2017): Common Raven
06/24 (2011): Spotted Towhee
06/23 (2013): Least Bittern
06/22 (2012): Warbling Vireo (Western)
06/21 (2003): MacGillivray's Warbler
06/20 (2018): Blue Grosbeak
06/19 (2017): Western Bluebird
06/18 (2017): Sage Thrasher
06/17 (2017): Great-tailed Grackle
06/16 (1981): Cordilleran Flycatcher
06/15 (1993): Golden-crowned Sparrow
06/14 (2002): Yellow Rail
06/13 (2004): Cassin's Finch
06/12 (2010): Swainson's Thrush (Russet-backed)
06/11 (1999): Red-faced Warbler
06/10 (2016): Veery
06/09 (2006): Pine Grosbeak
06/08 (2006): Cedar Waxwing
06/07 (2006): California Quail
06/06 (2014): Eastern Bluebird
06/05 (2015): Gray Catbird
06/04 (2015): Pine Warbler
06/03 (2019): Common Poorwill
06/02 (2010): Black-chinned Sparrow
06/01 (2010): Colima Warbler
05/31 (2010): Canyon Wren
05/30 (2011): Tufted Flycatcher
05/29 (2011): Blue-throated Motmot
05/28 (2012): Golden Eagle
05/27 (2011): Brown-backed Solitaire
05/26 (2011): Long-tailed Manakin
05/25 (2000): Crissal Thrasher
05/24 (2019): American Three-toed Woodpecker
05/23 (2018): Elf Owl
05/22 (2019): Rufous-capped Warbler
05/21 (2019): White-winged Dove
05/20 (2005): Yellow Warbler
05/19 (2018): Cactus Wren
05/18 (2018): Black-throated Sparrow
05/17 (2015): Warbling Vireo (Eastern)
05/16 (1991): Siberian Rubythroat
05/15 (2015): Chuck-will's-widow
05/14 (1991): Green-backed Tit
05/13 (1991): Rufous-vented Tit
05/12 (1991): Chestnut Thrush
05/11 (2019): Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
05/10 (1991): Black Woodpecker
05/09 (1991): White-capped Redstart
05/08 (1993): Black-and-White Warbler
05/07 (2007): Black-headed Grosbeak
05/06 (1991): Black-naped Oriole
05/05 (2012): Sora
05/04 (2017): American Goldfinch
05/03 (2009): Indigo Bunting
05/02 (2009): Red-eyed Vireo
05/01 (2009): Acadian Flycatcher
04/30 (2000): Oak Titmouse
04/29 (2020): Northern Mockingbird
04/28 (2007): California Thrasher
04/27 (2008): Swainson's Warbler
04/26 (2008): Barred Owl
04/25 (2008): Yellow-billed Cuckoo
04/24 (2008): Field Sparrow
04/23 (2020): Northern Cardinal
04/22 (2012): American Bittern
04/21 (2020): Wood Thrush
04/20 (2014): Yellow-rumped Warbler
04/19 (1993): Chestnut-backed Chickadee
04/18 (2012): Bewick's Wren
04/17 (1983): Black-capped Chickadee
04/16 (2009): Evening Grosbeak
04/15 (1992): Seaside Sparrow
04/14 (2018): American Redstart
04/13 (2018): Prothonotary Warbler
04/12 (1981): Lesser Prairie Chicken
04/11 (2004): Spotted Towhee
04/10 (1999): Blue Tit
04/09 (2009): Varied Thrush
04/08 (2017): Royal Tern (and Sandwich Tern?)
04/07 (1999): Eurasian Wren
04/06 (2013): Bachman's Sparrow
04/05 (2020): Tufted Titmouse
04/04 (2003): Tricolored Blackbird
04/03 (2016): Red-shouldered Hawk
Unless otherwise specified, all text, photographs, graphs, sound recordings, and videos on this site © Dougald Archibald McCallum.